Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Problem with Advice

Everyone wants to give you advice.  No matter what you're doing, someone else will have an input that they MUST share.  There is a problem with advice givers, though.  Most people give advice the same way they give presents.  They think about themselves.

I was once told to give a person a gift you would like to receive.  Although this works sometimes, it can really backfire on you.  Same with advice.  I'm sure you can imagine someone saying to themselves, "I'd love a gift card to this place! I bet they would too!"  Then, in the excitement of your birthday or Hanukkah or graduation or something, you open up the envelope to find yet another gift card to a place you never shop at if you can avoid it.  All I want is for someone to ask me what gift I want. I'll tell them this, "NOTHING.  I don't NEED anything.  If you have to ask, it won't be right. Your gift is nice, but is it thoughtful? Is it something I want? Or is it something you would want?  I like Michaels, Barnes and Noble, music, H&M, American Apparel, Target.  What about you? I don't like people to stare at me, or to touch me when I don't want to be touched. I'm not the same person as you."  I don't want, or need the same presents, and I don't want, or need, the same advice.

I've gotten a lot of advice in just 18 years of existence.  Some of it I've blown off, and others I have really taken to heart.  A lot of the time, I wish I had taken some advice and not blown off others.  How many times have you done something without asking for advice and regretted it?  And how many times have you taken someones advice and wished you had never asked? For me, I feel like the amount of times are almost equal.  So what am I supposed to do?  Take shitty advice that gets me nowhere and makes me feel like no one, or not take anyones advice and end up the same way.  Either way, I end up sitting in a semi-lit dorm room complaining to no one on a blog that four people read about absolutely nothing.  Reading this is like watching a re-run of Seinfeld.  I've figured it out, though; the advice was meant to be given to a younger, more vulnerable and foolish version of the person who gave me the advice in the first place.  It wasn't meant for me.  So then why do I take it? Is it human nature to need someone to tell you that what you are doing is right?  Why should it matter so much?  If I'm happy doing what I'm doing, why should I have to change just because someone told me some advice about it that I just had to take? What if I'm unhappy?  Do I have to stick to what I'm doing because someone told me I should? That it would get better? I shouldn't.  Not if I don't believe it.

So then the moral of the story is this: Don't give your old, idiotic self advice you wish you would have known fifteen, or even five years ago.  Give the person who asked for the advice the advice that is just right for them.  Think about their current situation, and about who they really are, not about your past personality that needed a push in the "right" direction.  It might not be "right" for someone else. Don't give a person a present that was meant for you.  Even if that present is just a few words that you think are helping them.  They probably aren't.  They are probably just making the person mad, or upset, or confused.  Or they are reaffirming an idea that you didn't want them to, so your plan backfired anyway.  

Yes, sometimes this isn't true.  I've exaggerated quite a bit.  But did I? Honestly? You knew exactly what I was talking about.  Someone has given you advice like this before, and you just wanted to scream at the walls until someone told them how dumb they were.  You were too polite to do it yourself.  Or too scared.  Don't get me wrong.  I've followed a lot of really, really amazing advice.  But on a day like today, when you hear something that just makes you want to kick someone, you gotta share your feelings.  You have to let the entire four people who read this know the problem with advice so that maybe it won't be as much of a problem.  I really do like to hear what people have to say a lot of the time.  Just remember, the advice is for the advisee, not the advisor.  Don't always give the gift you want to get.    

Friday, September 21, 2012

The College Plague

Dorm life.  I like to call it Dooms life. It's a gigantic cesspool of germs with little arms waiting to grasp your hand-sanatized hands and infect you with... the plague.  My friend so kindly pointed out to me that no, I do not have the actual plague, but ya know what? I have The College Plague.  It is a real thing.  After I post this it will even be on the internet.  And honestly, everything you read on the internet is real isn't it?
So basically, I went home this past weekend to do the Jew thing and celebrate Rosh Hashanah with my family.  I thought it was an extra perk to escape the residence halls and buses full of coughing, sneezing, and snot wiped sleeves, literally everyone I saw was getting sick, so I headed home eagerly.  My roommate had even just mentioned that she thought she might be coming down with something.  Little did I know, I had not escaped a single damn thing. Sure, I had a few nice days of health and wellness.  I went to the cider mill, painted my nails, babysit my cousins, but then, it started.
The New Year started Sunday night.  I helped my aunt prepare her house for a few hours, got myself all pretty with my flowy striped dress and 40s style shoes, and then headed to the beautiful feast my family had prepared.  I listened to my uncle lead one of our family's not-so-traditional traditional prayers, and chowed down on meat, chicken, World Famous Benny's Salad, honey cake, and chocolate chip cloud cookies.  I talked with all of my out of town family and all of my practical neighbors.  I was having a pretty great night. Then I helped my aunt clean up, and headed home for bed.
Turns out, it was a bad night.  I just laid there for hours thinking, "how on earth did I eat that much? I feel terrible! I'm gonna be sick!"  I ended up catching a few z's, but I woke up feeling just as bad as in the night.  I laid around like a lazy bum all day, slept on and off, and coughed myself to silence.  I couldn't set up for the second night, nor would anyone want me to handle their food, so I just sat and thought about how miserable I was.  
At dinner I felt better though! I was like, "yeah! I rock! I guess I really did eat too much!", but I was wrong.  I had some fun teaching my family celebrity, but again, I felt like crap the second I laid down.  The next day was worse than before.  Only I had work to do now.  Feeling terrible, I eventually got myself a workin', and then headed back to college.  I walked in to find that my roommate had a pharmacy on her shelf. She is not a drug addict, so this was strange, but I didn't think much of it.  She probably would've told me if she was sick right? Nope.  She came back and informed me that she was diagnosed with Strep.  You know, the infection of the throat that makes you just want to die it hurts so badly? That's the one.  I panicked! I did not want strep! I was already sick! But my mom, being all calm and collected, well, mostly just being a doctor, helped me figure out what to do to make myself feel better, and not catch strep... unless I already had it. 
Didn't help.  I'm still feeling sickly and sore and disgusting and terrible.  I've gone through so many cough drops my mouth is permanently bright red, and I drink so much water I feel like I swallowed a pool.  I'm more tired than Dorothy in a field of poppies.  The amount of miserableness I have has led me to diagnose myself with the College Plague. 

Trouble identifying whether or not you have the Plague? Here are a few easy ways to tell: 

1. The amount of pain you feel in your throat is is comparable to someone throwing darts in your mouth.
2.You are coughing more than the occasional throat clearing or wrong tube swallowing.
3. You can't walk up steps or outside because it's hard to breathe.
4. You can hardly breathe just laying there doing nothing like a real college student.
5. You're sore all over.
6. You feel like the delicious dorm food is gonna make you sick.
7. You just want to go to sleep. 

If you have any of these symptoms, please go to your health service provider or doctor for help.  You do not want to remain in this state too long because no one will want to be with you because you are gross.

Do not get the College Plague. Wash your hands and use sanitizer often.  Drink lots of water. And if you're worried! Grab some Emergen-C.  I hear that helps. Or a gas mask if you're one of those types.


By the way, I was originally going to write a post about the Michigan tradition of going to cider mills and leave out the sick part, but I was feeling gross so that happened instead.  I know this was way less interesting and way more disgusting, so here is a little snippet of what that could have been:

This weekend I went home for Rosh Hashanah.  It was a pretty good holiday filled with great people and great food, but the best part of the weekend, was the trip to the cider mill.  Every Michiganian can tell you that it's not really fall until you head to your favorite cider mill and drink delicious fresh apple cider with warm donuts, and the occasional carmel apple, so I just had to go.---- Yup, that's it.  Would've been nice.  Oh well.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lo Siento

So, feeling creative and all, I decided to redesign my blog.  Let's be honest though, I am avoiding homework and sleep.  

So basically this is an apology post.  I thought the blue looked cool, but I did not apparently scroll as much as I should have.  Why is there a picture of a bus on a desert road? I have been asking myself the same question, and here is my answer: I have absolutely no idea.  

I'm going to change it back tomorrow when I'm not so sleepy, though, don't worry. I know you were all very concerned, but just know, I am sorry for the confusion. This is  probably very strange to come from the girl without the niche, who can't really write, and who really has nothing to say.  Enjoy the bus for a while though.  

Sometimes change is good.  But then again, sometimes it's not.

Night all.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Norty the Nordster

Those of you in 2011-2012 APLit probably got very excited by this posts title, however, I have a new Norty to love and to hold.  I bring him with me every week to class and many other places as well.  He's very large and extremely old fashioned in his ways.  His name, you might ask, is the Riverside Shakespeare Second Edition.  So far he is in every way a lesser human being and book than Norton, but I am trying to work with what I've got.

Riverside isn't the only huge change in my life though.  

Professor EB (I've been told that the letters are confusing, but it's too late to change now.  Sorry.) is in no way similar to Mrs. T.  First off, I'd like to describe him as looking like a mix between a rather large toad and the Sicilian from the Princess Bride. I know! Inconceivable!  He even talks like him, as he is from Italy (I think).  Although he did say something about chutzpah, so who really knows.  He also spits when he speaks, especially when he dramatically exclaims lines from some of Hamlet's best soliloquies.  Honestly though, he is great.  I think he knows every line from every work of William Shakespeare.  He likes to reread sections aloud, but only very, very dramatically.  I'm saying this all after one class, so I don't know how accurate this will be later, but I think I'll really like him.

Also, I expect that after this class I will feel very close to Mr. William Shakespeare, so I plan to switch to calling him Will. I'm extremely excited for that day.  I know that is sort of weird, but hey! A girl's got to look forward to something, doesn't she?

Oh! Please post ideas for good songs to sing at an a cappella audition! I've never sung for other people before and I'm extremely nervous.  Everyone cross your fingers and toes that I get in!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Teach Me How to Boogie

I made some new friends!!!  Hooray for me! I was beginning to think that would never happen, but I guess that's the perks of being forced into three Spanish Lunch Tables a week.  Though I can't reveal their names, I will tell you that three four out of five begin with the letter J, and one C.  

They are great guys though.  Somehow, with my brilliant expertise and coaxing, I convinced them to go swing dancing with my friends N, R, K, A, and me.  I felt very proud of my mad convincing skills, until I realized how little fun our new friends were having.  I guess learning swing in a boiling hot dance room with sweat flying in the air just isn't for everyone. Go figure? 

So my new friends decided to take a break and walk outside in the rain to cool off.  Seeing as I had ten random people's sweat on me in addition to my own, I had to join them.  We found this really cool book store with this old door with those classic gold/brass doorknobs.  Opening the great big door was like opening an old book itself.  All the novels inside were rare or used, so they had that old-new-book feel to them.  The coolest thing, though, was the old man that worked there.  He looked like Mr. Rogers, or that old guy from Up, and knew everything about the store.  I think I'll spend hours in that tiny place.  

So after we went swinging, we went back to my room and planned the next morning's waffle party before the big game!  I hate football, but oh well.  I guess it's an experience to go?  Section 26 isn't bad! But row 94 definitely isn't great... Plus I was with my friends!  After half time I rushed back from the game, grabbed my stuff and headed home with my cousin F for her sister's sweet 16.  What a hectic day that was.  Unfortunately, I had to leave early though, but the reason was good I believe.  I had tickets with my parents to Billy Elliot with my parents! That is one of my favorite shows, so of course I had to go.  After that, I just wanted to tap dance.  Maybe that'll be my next sweaty dance class.

I spent the next day with my mom and two students who went to Ecuador with us in March.  I love seeing them so I was ecstatic when I walked in my family room and saw them sitting on the floor.  I'm not sure they knew how happy I was, but it pretty much made my day.

After returning to school with my brother M, I found myself on the floor surrounded by a heaping pile of homework that I somehow convinced myself I could put off until Sunday night.  There I go being an excellent convincer again!

Today I went to my first day of history.  The intimidation I felt as I stood outside room 2011 was crazy.  After sitting down to find myself in a class full of juniors, seniors, and super seniors, I began questioning whether or not I should be there.  As the only freshman, I found myself not really speaking and basically burrowing myself into unnecessary notes.  The discussion was cool, but the longer I sat there, the more I wondered if the class was for me.  Honestly, I'm still unsure. Comment with thoughts that may help me decide!

Tomorrow I have my first day of Shakespeare class!  I'm extremely excited, but the version of Hamlet I was directed to watch made me actually dislike my favorite story.  Hopefully the discussion, and my notes from last year, will rekindle the fire that slowly went out as I watched four hours of Derek Jacobi whine his life away.  

Sorry this post is anything but exciting.  I promise I'm trying. 

As I told my favorite mentor E, I hope you all had a good Monday!  Have a good week everyone!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sometimes a Birds Just Got to Leave the Nest

To my very few followers who need a little inspiration.  

This is what true friendship really is.  I love this girl more than worms loves apples and more than zombies love flesh.  More than the doctor loves time travel and more than shampoo loves hair. Thanks for the shout-out AGS!!!! You're absolutely amazing. I love, love, love the blog.

140 Characters or More: The Heroic Tale of Hildalgo:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's Official

It's official.  I'm a college student. 

I had my first college class today, which was crazy intense.  I think I might actually die in my Intensive Spanish 1 Lecture.  It's crazy! I did buy Harry Potter in Spanish hoping it would help me learn with something I like to read. Maybe it'll work. However, I think I'll probably learn the material, which is good.  I do, however, like my Spanish Discussion right after.  It should be a lot of fun.  But hearing "make a circle!" in Dennison 216 rather than Berkley 121 is a sad, sad thing.  It made me feel very homesick for BHS, which was something I never thought I'd say.  No offense to Berkley. After hearing my course load for just one class, though, no matter how any times you hear Mr. P say "welcome to Berkley University!", high school will never be college.  Oy to the vey. 

After class I walked down the drizzly streets of A^2 with my friend N from home, and two new friends A and J.  We went and got our green books (environmentally friendly blue books) and course packs for EspaƱol.  [If I'm writing in a green book, which is like a blue book, for class, does that mean I can step on that blasted M everyone keeps pulling me away from?] Then we went to lunch and I got french toast instead of french fries by accident.  Who puts french toast next to chicken anyways? After, I went back to my room to read some Hamlet and start my Spanish, but instead I fell asleep.  Figures.  I couldn't sleep last night; I must've had to catch up.  Nerves? Heat? Who knows?  Oh! Then I found my way to UHS!  All on my own! It was great!  I turned in the form I was supposed to submit 30 days before class started (oops), and then I headed back to my room.  Eventually I went and met some friends at Mo-jo with my roommate L.  The food there was pretty good so that's good to know for future hungry excursions.  I also had  a hall meeting tonight which took me 15 minutes to get to (I got lost in my own dorm.).  In case you didn't know, if guys go into the girls bathroom they could be put onto the sex offenders list.  So don't do that. Also, it is dangerous to have snowball fights between dorms.  So don't do that either. I was unaware of these facts, so of course I am thankful for our little suare.   When our RAs asked us what we expected from each other and our dorm, we only had one glaring expectation.  As a hall, all of us girls expect toilet paper in the many bathrooms we have access to.  So far, starting last night and continuing on today, that expectation has not been met.  Gross. At a certain point, you can't even spare a square.  

Oh! I also was priveleged enough to skype with the beautiful and amazing AGS tonight! A long overdue chat that was absolutely perfect!  

What is the main idea of this post? I don't really know, but it was kinda interesting to read right?  At least I'm somewhat entertaining.  Better than checking your facebook newsfeed and twitter timeline a million times with no change.

Oh! And always remember: "Hit the ground running!"

Monday, September 3, 2012

93 Million Miles... Or Maybe Just 33

So last night my amazing friend M came up (it's really down, but who says "came down"?) with her family to visit her sister L.  They so graciously offered to take me to the Olive Garden, and I, being a college student, had to accept any offers for good food.  

Then I fought back and forth about whether or not I should stop home for the night and stay until today. I decided to, then not to, then last second to again. If anything I wanted to see my friend L who was back from college for Labor Day, and I wanted to experience Arts Beats and Eats!  I only ended up seeing my friend, who cares if my old Klezmer band was playing? She is more important.  

But of course, anytime you do something in college, someone has an opinion about it.  I cannot tell you how many text messages, phone calls, and advice conversations I found myself in.  "I can't believe you went home the first weekend!" "You have to stay and get acclimated!" "Do you even know where your classes are?"  Anytime someone said something I just wanted to smack them.  I know they are just trying to be helpful, but come on, all I wanted to do was come home! Is that such a crime?

After getting home I went to talked with my mommy and daddy for a while, had the little amount of laundry I had to bring home washed, and watched the Great Escape at my cousin Z's house with her friend A/Z.  Interesting show I must say.  After returning home, I went to bed and began reading my first college assignment ever: Hamlet!  
I was extremely excited because I read Hamlet my Senior year of High School in my Norty with one of my favorite teachers of all time! Mrs. T definitely taught about the poor questioning boy very well, so I feel very prepared.  Hell yeah! I'm ahead of the game!

Today I woke up and went next door to my aunt and uncles house.  The greeting from my little cousin S was perfect! She ran up and gave me the biggest hug ever and about a 50 kisses on the cheek.  My other cousins apparently didn't know I had left.  Then I went back home, chilled with L, went to Rite Aid with my mom, and back to my aunt and uncles.  They had a bunch of people over so it was a lot of fun.  Then I drove back here, to college! Ahh! I'm still in shock that I'm here.

After moving some more clothes and other crap in, I went to a free showing of Casablanca, which was great, and had a cheese and cracker party in my friend C's dorm room.  Very classy if I do say so myself. Now I'm in bed thinking about starting classes tomorrow.  It is crazy weird to think that I am going to college classes at 9 in the morning TOMORROW!?  How on Earth did that happen? I guess I should go to sleep so that I can be all fresh for the morning. 

Good night all!  Good luck to anyone starting classes tomorrow! 

P.S.  The title of this post refers to my traveling the 33 miles home and the lyrics in Jason Mraz's song 93 Million Miles, "you can always come back home".  If you haven't heard it, listen because it's great.  

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I'm a True Blue

So apparently I'm supposed to bleed maize and blue at this place? At least that's what they tell me I'm supposed to do. 

Also, I've discovered that when someone randomly, or not so randomly, shouts "GO!!!!", I am expected to shout back "BLUE!!!!!!!".  Now I understand that this is a tradition like any other, but walking to a stadium and having a stranger yell "GO!" at you is very concerning.  I thought I had to leave or something? 

Another thing I have learned: people stand at football games... even football games that are happening in Texas. Why would we need to stand while we watch Michigan lose to Alabama on a big screen TV in the Big House? The team isn't even there? The coaches aren't even there. The band isn't even there? Why??

Semi-funny story about the band today, though.  My friend K's boyfriend N plays trumpet in the marching band.  That means he has to practice nine hours a day, every day, in order to play at games. He was also honored today with the position of leading the trumpet section.  This is huge because, like me, he is just a Freshman and Freshman do not usually lead their sections. K wanted to support the musical master, so she texted him and asked what time we should go to the stadium to see him.  He told her 50 minutes before the game, during the halftime show, and after we lost and that we should go see slash hear him play. So we went.   Turns out, the band was in Texas. We would've never been able to hear him play because that stuff is never on television! We sat at a crowded welcome week event for way longer than necessary, all because my friend thought the random "on a plane" text message she got wasn't real.  The kid sends a lot of obscure messages that don't mean anything, but this wasn't one. We ended up getting a free shirt (plus side), leaving, and eating at Pizza Bob's instead.  Then we went back to my dorm and listened to oldies fairly loudly while dancing and cutting yellow T-shirts.  However, I did finally meet some people in my hall! Music really does draw them in, even Marvin Gaye and Jackson Five.

FYI, the title has to do with the free shirt.  I'm supposed to stay in the blue, and therefore be a "true blue" like Dory.  I bet the people handing out the shirts were anything but alcohol free, but hey, it was a free shirt.  How could I resist?