In my opinion, Thanksgiving Day is the best day of November.
Right off the bat, you don't have school, or work. So automatically you're thankful for something. You sleep in, wake up, and either head down to Detroit to run the Turkey Trot so you don't feel bad about pigging out tonight, or you act like a lazy person like myself and watch The Thanksgiving Day Parade in Detroit at the parade route or on television with cinnamon pumpkin waffles or pancakes and Santa to look forward to. Not gonna lie, I never understood why the mayor gives Santa the key to Detroit, but I kinda like it.
Then you spend the day cooking and setting up and feeling happy and thankful while the smell of turkey and pie fills the house. As your mouth waters, you count down the hours, minutes, seconds until you'll be able to take the first bite of succulent white or dark meat and mound of potatoes with volcanic gravy rushing to all of the peas and corn waiting in terror below. You finish helping upon helping of Thanksgiving yummy-ness and eagerly await the pumpkin pie and whipped cream you know will soon be on your plate. Some of you will sit and watch the Lions lose, or whoever your team is otherwise win, and you'll rub your belly until morning.
Then, some of you will go to sleep and set your alarms for some absurd time like three in the morning to go stand in long lines with cocoa and coffee. You'll run into packed stores and grab whatever you can reach because it has big yellow sign with "30% off" written on it. You'll stomp on feet and pull hair so you can reach the biggest discount. You'll have some fun, maybe, and be really happy with the $54 you saved. Congrats to you.
I'd now like to take a moment to say happy birthday to my uncle's younger wife. Happy birthday!
Now, I'd like to say that I am thankful for so much. Too much to list on a silly blog post, but don't worry, there's a lot.
I hope you have everything in the world to be thankful for! Have a happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for reading! Enjoy!