Before my cousin Faye went to college a year and a half ago I gave her a gift basket full of everything I thought was absolutely essential in attending college. It had, among other things, ear plugs, an eye mask, and lemonade. Of course, I had never actually been to college, so I had no clue what every Freshman needed, but I tried my best. When it was my turn to venture out into the world of practicing adults and sleep in a twin xl bed next to some stranger I would be calling my roommate, my cousin gave me a similar present. Hers was a little better, with shampoo, vitamins, and gum, since she knew what a college student actually needed, but she definitely liked my gift just as much as I liked hers. I've since then learned exactly what every student needs from my own experiences, and the experiences of my friends and family.
So here are some college essentials I believe are absolutely necessary in heading off to semi-adulthood. This won't be a complete list, but it will be a start. Plus it is absolutely wonderful, trust me.
1. Something to remember your favorite high school teachers. I, along with a lot of my high school friends, have chosen the memoir written by the best english teacher ever. I also have an illustrated picture from the Todd Project and an environmental club pin of a little green tree. Absolutely essential if you want to survive having new and crazy professors that you might not like, and that might not like you, or even know who you are.
2. Flip flops. It is really gross when you shower in those nasty community showers without flip flops. There is a whole mess of infections on those tile floors and you wouldn't want those. Or warts. Warts are gross.
3. Microwaveable food that actually tastes good and is easy to store. I have chosen a variety of pastas from healthy companies as well as soups and desserts. Everyone needs a brownie on days of heavy homework and little sleep.
4. Other yummy food and drinks that you like. Especially Nutella and Peanut Butter. Bread. Crackers. Cheese. Popcorn. Milk. Cereal. Chocolate. Tea. You can figure this one out on your own.
5. Blankets. You're probably going to get cold, it'll be super nice to have a few of these to snuggle up in.
6. An arm pillow (or "husband" if your a weirdo and think that's what they are called.) They are comfy. That's it.
7. Organization stuff. Boxes, pullouts, command hooks. All of these will be your saviors. Just trust me on this. And have a few extra lying around in an organized fashion too!
8. A supply of over-the-counter meds and cough drops (or other medications you are on) that you think you won't need but will. Remember, college is like pre-school. Everyone around you is sick and you will be too. It's guaranteed. College Plague is a real thing! I promise!
9. Lights. The overhead light won't be sufficient when your mornings start at 8:17 and your roommate doesn't have class until 11. Getting dressed without lights on is like living in the dark ages. Literally.
10. Stamps and envelopes. You might want to send a letter and having to leave your building just to get supplies is ridiculous. Remember, you're in college now. You're lazy!
11. A sense of humor. People are funny here.
12.. Anything else you can think of that I forgot to mention or thought was too obvious or something like that. Get it if you don't think you'll need it because odds are, you probably will. You can always return or sell things if you're wrong!
That should be super helpful! Good luck on the whole college thing! Remember to clean and frequently Febreeze your room!