Sunday, August 26, 2012

Little Trees

You know how when you were younger you would come home from school hungrier than Chris McCandless, just begging to be fed by your mom, dad, bubby, zadie, sister, brother, babysitter, whoever?  I know none of us were actually hungrier than McCandless, but when you're seven you really felt like it didn't you? Well, we all had our favorite snacks, but sometimes, day after day of the yummy deliciousness, we got tired of it.  That's what happened to me.  Broccoli was my killer food.  I really did like it at one point, even the cooked kind. I remember feeling like a giant chowing down on my own little forest.  However, after my mommy cooked it for me as my healthy snack, or green side-dish, enough, I really stopped enjoying the tiny trees. I just lost the taste for broccoli and ended up finding it practically inedible.  I know this post isn't exactly the most interesting thing in the world, but I figured I'd get the ball rolling, dip my feet in the water if you will.   Comment with any foods you stopped liking after overuse.  I know I'm not alone with this.  Also, I'd like to thank one of my favorite people, D, for the idea to write about this crazy food... and pogo sticks, which are a fantastically fun children's toy by the way.         


  1. Chocolate -- no, just kidding. Who could ever be sick of chocolate? Except C, who doesn't like it, or Sugar, who would get sick because of it.

    But true story -- when I was little and Mama and Daddy still lived in the old house, Daddy used to buy seven layer cake every Friday for Shabbos dinner and I got really sick of it.

    Not to worry -- I have since overcome said sickness.

  2. Green beans, though not through overfeeding. My first girlfriend's mother was amazing and cooked whenever I'd come over, but one time she really messed up her green beans. They were firm, and chewy, and...*ulp* fuzzy. I was really shy then (like I'm not now!) and felt obligated to finish them so as not to insult her. Ever horrible bite. I now realize that was unnecessary, but it felt vital at 13. So even though I still like the taste of green beans, I find them hard to eat. I try to stick to canned ones, because I know those are always squishy and never fuzzy, but even the taste can make me think of fuzzy ones by association.
