Thursday, December 27, 2012

iWrite Mini

Hello blog readers of the world! Hope you all had excellent respective holidays! 

I'm writing today because I kind of just felt like it.  Writing.  And Reading (I need more books people.  Please comment with suggestions.  Only good ones allowed).   Like, it's been a while.  So I took a quiz-like thing on the internet to see what famous writer I write like for inspiration. My friend had taken it and she was lucky enough to write like Vonnegut.  Jealous, and curious, I took the test and it told me I wrote like J.D. Salinger.  At first I was actually upset.  I mean, Catcher in the Rye is extremely controversial, and Salinger has a pretty big nose (wouldn't want to be associated with that).   People say only crazies and axe murderers have Catcher in their homes, or like it, or whatever, but I for sure disagree.  I loved that book and I'm probably one of the least crazy people in my family, at least I hope... Anyways, it got me thinking about what I wanted to do with my life.  

I want to write.  Like be all awesome and cool and famous for writing a story from a dream (even if the story sucked), or start writing on a napkin on a train and become richer than the Queen (That's what happened to J.K. right?).  No, it's not about the money, I just like to write is all.  And I'd like to do something that I genuinely enjoy if I have to do it for the next few decades.  Well but so here is the problem. A writing major, or an English major, doesn't usually get you a job.  And although I'm not basing all my life choices on the fact that I need to make bank and have some smokin' career, I still like having a place to live.  And food. (My sister is reading this thinking, I was an Lit major! You can totally get a job! But get this, she is also a doctor.  So that isn't exactly the general course for a Lit major. Lez be honest.)   

Blog readers of the world! Help me out! What can I do where I can write and be as happy as a nerdfighter at Comi-con while still being able to live in a place with running water?  This is actually important, seeing as I'll have to make grown-up decisions while I play pretend adult at college, and I've got time to really decide, but I also need some time to change my mind.  We all know that usually happens in university anyways.  Comment with ideas and suggestions for careers and majors that don't stink please, who knows, maybe I'll actually take them.

Also, Happy New Year!  You know, if you follow the Gregorian Calendar and celebrate that and all.  See you when the 21st century hits the teenage years.  Hold on to your hats, that is bound to be a crazy time full of pimples and hormones for the planet.  


  1. The way I see it, your answer is in one of two places: your own head or in an experience you haven't had yet. Go lock yourself in your room and write all day. Lather, Rinse, and Repeat. Seriously though, just write out all of your brain toots without second-guessing yourself and throw it in a drawer. Let those words marinate in the dust, go be a person until you completely forgot what you wrote.

    Then with a more clear eye, look back over what you wrote. Something will pop out to you. If not, then try again later. Eventually you will find whatever sort of guiding inspiration you need either while being a person or reading your own stuff. I know this because I know that you are super smart and ambitious. Go Hannah!

    Also it'll make you feel accomplished while you wait.

  2. Oh that's totally the typical experience of a Lit major, 'cause it's half people who are going to grad school for something. I wouldn't say the other half never get jobs, though. They're frequently employed writing for companies/nonprofits, or just in unrelated fields that arbitrarily require baccalaureates now. I don't know how to write for your own pleasure and still get a job doing it, but lots of people need nonfic writers. Not that being a Lit major is the perfect way to become a writer.

    I say that you major in the area that you want to write about, sorta. Like if you want to write for Nat Geo, be an environmental sciences major. If you want to write politics, do journalism/mass comm. If you want to write stories maybe anthropology/sociology/philosophy, the biggies of learning how people work to extrapolate characters.

    And in the case of you, I think you really should take a few photography classes. You're already amazing, and writing+photography are a great combo for a portfolio, about which people who hire writers care more than the degree. Just write write write for fun: THAT'S how JK Rowlings get published, and it's also how bloggers eventually pull enough advertisers to make a living off their sites.

  3. Whoa, green comments. Can't see a thing!

  4. Not sure how to fix the color as off now, but I will. And I'll keep your suggestions in mind. They seem pretty good
