In one week from today I will be in the airport waiting in long security lines with half naked people rushing to their boarding gates with rolling suitcases and crying children. How exciting and scary is that?!!? I’ll be taking one of those big ol’ jet planes across the world for an entire month of studying, learning, meeting people, and exploring at least seven wonderful cities in Europe! I’ll take classes and visit big companies that have influences all over the world! I’m so thrilled, and nervous, and scared, and jumping off the walls about this study abroad I can’t even explain it! I have gone from extreme excitement to not-wanting-to-go-but-really-actually-wanting-to in a matter of seconds and then back again!
While I’m there I plan on taking as many pictures as my memory cards allow and blogging every night (if I remember and am not too tired). So keep watching for even more once I’m in Spain, and France, and Italy, and Switzerland, and Greece, and wherever else I end up going in just one month!
See you in a week! First stop: Barcelona, Spain!!
P.S. If you know of any can’t miss sites to see in Europe, leave them as a comment or whatever! I’d love to hear them!
AHHH, I'm so excited for you! :) I can't wait to hear all about your trip!!