Saturday, March 15, 2014

Moving On

Hey everyone!

I've moved again. But for real though.  If you want to keep reading what I have to say, check out my new blog at!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Umba Umba a Rickey Tickey Tumba

I was reading "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone" to my little cousin Ella tonight and Firenze had just told Harry what drinking a unicorn's blood would do when Ella exclaimed, "OH MY GOODNESS IT HAS TO BE SNAPE! HE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT WOULD DO SOMETHING BAD SO THAT HE COULD GAIN SOMETHING FOR HIMSELF! HE IS THE ONLY ONE! PLEASE TELL ME IT'S SNAPE!"  

I will forever love the way these books make children feel.  Always.