Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ain’t No Onions in a Paella (June 7, 2013)

Sorry this wasn’t posted on the actual day, but here’s what I did on Friday, June 7th in Barcelona!! 

We woke up early to go to the Damm Brewery (emphasize the Damm), the largest brewery in all of Europe.  It smelled disgusting but either it got better, or unfortunately, we all got used to it.  I like to think it got better.  We were given a presentation about the marketing techniques and all of that good stuff all about the Damm Brewing Company.  They are famous for Estrella Beer and they own a bunch of different companies that make all types of beer: beer for celiacs, flavored beer, low calorie beer, everything. They do so much advertising (unlike Cordoníu) that they told us that their new commercials are released every summer, and now in the winter too, and people literally wait for them to come out so they can watch and download the music used in the commercial.  The presenter showed us the most recent commercial, three days old, that already had like a million views or something.  Ridiculous.  He also showed us a lot of other commercials from the past few years with famous chefs and cute little stories.  They were all surprisingly good commercials with all that happiness selling.  The ones we watched were all like watching little RomComs and stuff like that.  Apparently there was one they called the Lesbian Kiss or something (there was one scene where two girls kissed so I guess that made sense in the 4 minute full commercial) but there was this BIG controversy all throughout Spain about it.  Bet you can’t guess why.  You think it was the lesbian kiss don’t you? Nope.  Well?  Give up? It was because they made the paella in the commercial with onions, and there are no onions in paella!  How crazy and awesome is that?!  Then they took us on a tour of the brewery where there are hardly any workers but there are these super cool robots that use chips and GPSs to do all the work.  It’s insane!  Then, like the winery, we had a beer tasting where you could taste any of the beers they had.  People went nuts.  I tried the Damm Limon.  It was really good.  Like a weird, I mean interesting, lemonade.  (We can’t say anything is weird on this trip so even when it is, it is actually just interesting.  Weird is no longer in my vocabulary.)  Then we took a group picture and went to go back to the bus.  But before we left, they gave us a nice little present: a free bottle of beer.  Not that I enjoyed that type, but hey it was free?! 

Then we went back on the bus to go back to IQS.  Since I only have International IQ and Cultural Intelligence, I had a free block of time.  So I squished into a cab with some friends and went back to the Parc Guell with the other kids that didn’t have class at that time.  We walked all around the park and looked at and took pictures of all of Guadi’s beautiful work!  I had no idea it was such a big park, but it is seriously huge and amazing and wonderful.  Then we had the most ridiculously expensive lunch (cheese melted on baguette) and got a few souvenirs.  On the way out a living statue dressed completely in brown stopped my friend saying, “Oh look at you, you chocolate man!”  When asked if he was supposed to be a chocolate man, he told us no, he was a living statue, my friend is the chocolate man.  My friend was offended but he just laughed.  I truly think the living statue just didn’t realize how he sounded.  Oh well.  We won’t see him again.  Then we took a cab back to school.  The jerky driver tried to make us pay 4 extra Euros for using the back seat of his cab.  We said no, gave him the money we actually did owe, and got out as quickly as possible without looking back. (I gave an extra Euro just to be sure he didn’t drive off with my friend in trying to get out of the backseat.)  Taxi driving in Barcelona is supposed to be a noble and honest profession, but this guy clearly didn’t get the message.  You are driving a van!  The back seat is supposed to be used! 

Then we had International IQ class with the awesome Hugo and all 47 of us from the trip.  Then Cultural Intelligence with Peter.  I seriously love the classes.  They are really great and the teachers know so much. 

Then we took the autobus back to the Hotel Catolonia 505 (room 218) where we met in the lobby to go to dinner with a few other people at a fish place Peter suggested.  We got there and it didn’t have anything I wanted to eat, so I went next door with half the group and had the best food I probably had in all of Barcelona.  I got this really yummy fish in this red creamy sauce, and delicious chocolate mousse.  The people who went to Peter’s place hated their food, so that sucked for them, but at least I was pretty happy.  I know selfish, get over it.   

After that we took the metro downtown to go see the Majestic Fountain.  We got out a little early so we could see some of Guadi’s buildings (Casa Batlló and La Pedrera)  and downtown Barcelona.  One girl’s girlfriend came and met us.  She was a really nice art history major and she told us all about the different buildings and the area we were in with so much detail I felt like I was getting a real tour.  It was so great and so much fun.  Then we got to the Majestic Fountain where we took tons of pictures and enjoyed the view. 

When the fountain was over, we went to a restaurant near the bull-fighting stadium converted into a mall called Tapas, Tapas.  I didn’t get anything but everyone else who did didn’t seem too happy with his or her decision so it was okay. 

After that we headed back to the hotel and took a shower and went to sleep at around 3am.  The night was amazing and it was so perfect!  Plus, it was Friday so we didn’t have class the next day!  Even better!  

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