Monday, September 10, 2012

Teach Me How to Boogie

I made some new friends!!!  Hooray for me! I was beginning to think that would never happen, but I guess that's the perks of being forced into three Spanish Lunch Tables a week.  Though I can't reveal their names, I will tell you that three four out of five begin with the letter J, and one C.  

They are great guys though.  Somehow, with my brilliant expertise and coaxing, I convinced them to go swing dancing with my friends N, R, K, A, and me.  I felt very proud of my mad convincing skills, until I realized how little fun our new friends were having.  I guess learning swing in a boiling hot dance room with sweat flying in the air just isn't for everyone. Go figure? 

So my new friends decided to take a break and walk outside in the rain to cool off.  Seeing as I had ten random people's sweat on me in addition to my own, I had to join them.  We found this really cool book store with this old door with those classic gold/brass doorknobs.  Opening the great big door was like opening an old book itself.  All the novels inside were rare or used, so they had that old-new-book feel to them.  The coolest thing, though, was the old man that worked there.  He looked like Mr. Rogers, or that old guy from Up, and knew everything about the store.  I think I'll spend hours in that tiny place.  

So after we went swinging, we went back to my room and planned the next morning's waffle party before the big game!  I hate football, but oh well.  I guess it's an experience to go?  Section 26 isn't bad! But row 94 definitely isn't great... Plus I was with my friends!  After half time I rushed back from the game, grabbed my stuff and headed home with my cousin F for her sister's sweet 16.  What a hectic day that was.  Unfortunately, I had to leave early though, but the reason was good I believe.  I had tickets with my parents to Billy Elliot with my parents! That is one of my favorite shows, so of course I had to go.  After that, I just wanted to tap dance.  Maybe that'll be my next sweaty dance class.

I spent the next day with my mom and two students who went to Ecuador with us in March.  I love seeing them so I was ecstatic when I walked in my family room and saw them sitting on the floor.  I'm not sure they knew how happy I was, but it pretty much made my day.

After returning to school with my brother M, I found myself on the floor surrounded by a heaping pile of homework that I somehow convinced myself I could put off until Sunday night.  There I go being an excellent convincer again!

Today I went to my first day of history.  The intimidation I felt as I stood outside room 2011 was crazy.  After sitting down to find myself in a class full of juniors, seniors, and super seniors, I began questioning whether or not I should be there.  As the only freshman, I found myself not really speaking and basically burrowing myself into unnecessary notes.  The discussion was cool, but the longer I sat there, the more I wondered if the class was for me.  Honestly, I'm still unsure. Comment with thoughts that may help me decide!

Tomorrow I have my first day of Shakespeare class!  I'm extremely excited, but the version of Hamlet I was directed to watch made me actually dislike my favorite story.  Hopefully the discussion, and my notes from last year, will rekindle the fire that slowly went out as I watched four hours of Derek Jacobi whine his life away.  

Sorry this post is anything but exciting.  I promise I'm trying. 

As I told my favorite mentor E, I hope you all had a good Monday!  Have a good week everyone!

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